The Next 5Soul3 Show...

Friday, August 28, 2009

Pajama Dookie Jam (photos)

Feel Free to Comment!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

THIS SUNDAY August 30th... We Could Use Some Help Fellas

Here is some info about the BMW (Black Men Working) BBQ. We would  love to see you there!




P.S. – Rob & David (OG One) What is needed to be done in prep for the event? I want to serve before I get served. Anyone down to help with me. I’m on board to help.


Here are some areas I know we’ll need help in.


·         Food Prep

·         Setup – Asa Pritchard, ?????

·         Clean Up (Make this Priority) please don’t just come and leave without helping or asking what can be done. It starts at home first.


So Remember SAVE THE DATE...

Even though it is right around the corner!


First, thanks again for all of the feedback, support and commitment!!!  It is greatly appreciated!  Second, some of the resounding things we heard from our meeting were that

  1. We need to get to know each other, and need an opportunity to socialize before we get to work
  2. We need to move swiftly and capture the momentum

With those two things in mind, we have planned an old fashioned cookout!!!


What:  Cookout/ Gathering for Black Men, Boys and their families


When:  this Sunday August 30th at 2:00 pm (program tentatively schedule for 4:00 pm)


Where:  Unthank Park/ SEI Center North Kerby and Failing (we will be in the park AND the building)


Why:  because Brothers like to eat!!!  Because we need to grow our capacity and want to include some who missed out on the first meeting.  Because we want to include the families of the men so that they can see what it looks like to have a large group of Black men together. And we want to get to know each other as we embark on this journey...



I realize this is short notice, however we did not want to bump against Labor Day, and wanted to get together before schools starts back.  We are asking that each person and family contribute to the menu, so tomorrow we will distribute a list of needs and are asking people to RSVP for the gathering, and sign up to bring something. 


Brethren, y'all know how we do!!!  Grab a slab, pick up a bucket of chicken, hit up Winco or Costco for a pack of hot dogs, sausages, chips, fruit, drinks, etc. 


This is open to the families and we are seriously encouraging each Brother to invite another Black man who missed out last time.  Bring your fathers, grandfathers, sons, nephews, grandsons, brothers, uncles, friends, co-workers, colleagues, students, EVERYONE (obviously, the amount of people you bring should reflect the amount of food, etc you bring, so folks don't go hungry)!!!  Wives, daughters, girlfriends, mothers, spouses are cordially invited also (since some of y'all can't cook and we don't want everyone bringing fast food!)







Friday, August 14, 2009

Upcoming 5SOUL3 Show

Moog Mayhem!
Excellent Gentlemen opening for The Volt Per Ocatves feat. Bernie Worrell from P-Funk
September 19th at The Fez Ballroom
318 SW 11th Ave, Portland, OR 97205
Doors at 8pm
$12 Advance Tickets at

Monday, August 10, 2009

This Saturday Peace and Unity Fest


Yes we are just days away from the 2nd Annual Peace and Unity Fest the Fundraiser for the 4th Annual Youth Summit.  Many of you have offered your help leading up to this event and I want to say I am extremely grateful for your assistance.  I am calling on you again!  If each one of you brings a $5 donation with school supplies that will help us get started before any guest and visitors come to the event.  I would like this Peace and Unity Fest to set the standard for the up coming years.  So encourage your family and friends to support and give to our youth who will be starting school in a few weeks and may not have supplies that they need to be successful.

I also encourage you to bring a few dollars to support the local vendors.  Many of them are small business owners and need the support from you.


Thank you again and I look forward to seeing you this Saturday

Confirmed Performers, Aztec Dancers, African Dance, Toni Hill, Silver Shadow D, Luck-One, DLUXTHELIGHT, Ro Deezy, Blacque Butterfly, DeAngelo, Johnny Cool, and more with live DJ's throughout the event.  


Imani Muhammad

The Future is All About